IndustryFusion Foundation
Open Source Summit 2024

Wednesday and Thursday, May 15 & 16

The IndustryFusion Foundation Open Source Summit 2024 is supported by ...

Open Source Summit 2024


Open-Source Project IndustryFusion-X:
DataSpace for Industry 4.0

The IndustryFusion Foundation invites you to the Open Source Summit 2024 on Wednesday and Thursday, May 15 & 16! Experience live the new release of the open source networking solution IndustryFusion-X (IF-X) with integrated IF Process Data Twin. This already provides the most important foundations for the market launch of the first IndustryFusion Enterprise versions. Find out more about the game changer on the way to digitizing small and medium-sized companies:

For example, why IF-X is particularly easy to implement in industrial production, allowing companies of all sizes to intelligently digitalize production and products. Or how the use of the latest, highly innovative technology also provides conclusive answers to aspects such as safety and security. Partners such as Intel, IONOS, SUSE and Dell will explain the decisive contribution they are making to the creation of the IF-X cross-manufacturer data space. And machine manufacturers, software developers and banking partners will show how new business models and concrete added value scenarios are already being developed on this basis.

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The program

The program

At the heart of the program is the official presentation of the new release of the IndustryFusion open source networking solution in the new IndustryFusion DemoLab. This already provides the most important foundations for the market launch of the first IndustryFusion Enterprise versions of the unique solution for cross-manufacturer networking of systems in industrial production.

To the program

The venue

The Open Source Summit 2024 will take place at the CompetenceCenter Süd of MicroStep Europa GmbH in Bad Wörishofen, Bavaria. The new Industry 4.0 DemoLab of the IndustryFusion Foundation is also located here.

In the model factory, visitors can experience live the added value that cross-manufacturer networked production offers in application.

To the venue

The venue


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To the sponsoring

Greeting from the patron State Secretary Tobias Gotthardt

If you don't change, you fall behind - this is a well-known saying, especially in business!

The comprehensive digitalisation of the economy is the key issue when it comes to surviving international competition today. Chasing after innovations is not the way to stay ahead. It is therefore important to boldly forge ahead with enthusiasm, experience and inventiveness.

With open source software, the many top-class companies based in Bavaria and openness to new ideas, we can and must utilise our advantages to make the added value of Industry 4.0 quickly and securely available to the economy. The presentation of the latest release of the IndustryFusion open source networking solution, which is the focus of this year's Open Source Summit 2024, marks another step along this path of change.

The solution was developed by SMEs for SMEs. It incorporates what is relevant for customers. Easy-to-integrate solutions are of the greatest benefit where IT expertise is limited. This is because the broad use of innovative IT solutions is essential in more and more industries in order to remain competitive.

By intelligently pooling resources across company and system boundaries, we can manage to gain an edge over our international competitors. Open source helps here - the sources are visible and new functions can be easily integrated and developed to product maturity. This independence strengthens SMEs enormously and makes products more stable and secure.

I am very keen to accompany you on this journey. I wish you every success for the conference itself and for your progress, as well as continued drive and inspiring ideas!

Tobias Gotthardt, MdL
State Secretary at the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy

Tobias Gotthardt

Register now for a day full of technology, digitalisation & networking!